By News Desk,
New Delhi: British Indian Muslims have urged Organisation of Islamic Countries to declare the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi, persona non grata and instruct its member countries to ask their ambassadors in New Delhi neither to accept any invitation by him nor to extend one to him.
In its four page memorandum sent to OIC Head office, Jeddah, Turkish Foreign Ministry, Indonesian Foreign Ministry, Indonesian Embassy in London and New Delhi, Council of Indian Muslims—UK (CIM) has urged the 25th OIC Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation being held in Istanbul, “to declare the Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi persona non grata, who, according to Indian newspapers, has been invited for a visit by one of OIC member country, Indonesia.”
“Earlier in November 2008” the memorandum reads, “a similar invitation was extended to him by the government of Qatar but the visit was later cancelled. Recently in 2009 Sultanate of Oman also extended its hand to honour this mass murderer of Muslims. However, after online signature campaigns and protests by the Indian Muslims and justice loving non-Muslims, Government of Oman clarified that it had nothing to do with the invitation and a non Omani company working there had invited Modi on its own initiative.”

Reminding the OIC Heads of states of Modi’s crimes and quoting from human rights organisations’ reports, newspapers and magazine reports, CIM memorandum reads, “Excellencies, as far as the policies of Modi’s government are concerned, nothing has changed and eight years on, the Muslim community in Gujarat is still subjected to a devastating economic and social boycott, institutionalised at every level.
“… by inviting and honouring a mass murderer of Muslims like Modi by none but the Muslim countries themselves, a dangerous message is being given to anti-Muslim elements in India.“
The memorandum emphasises, “Excellencies, we are pained to see the silence of this eminent body on the injustices to which the 150 million Indian Muslims have been subjected. Far from fulfilling its duty to, at least, deplore the crimes meted out upon them the OIC as an organisation and its member states in their individual capacities are giving a green signal to anti-Muslim forces in India to do with Muslims what they like.
“Therefore, Excellencies, we request you to use your good offices, ask the Indonesian Government to withdraw this invitation and issue a communiqué declaring Narendra Modi an Islamophobe and ask all member states to declare him a persona non grata and instruct OIC countries’ ambassadors neither to accept an invitation by Modi led government in Gujarat nor to extend an invitation to this fascist.”
An online petition urging the Indonesian Government to withdraw its invitation to Modi has also been launched by American based Indian Muslims and Dr. Najid Hussain son-in-law of former Member of Parliament Ehsan Jafri, who was dismembered while still alive by the rioters incited by Modi. The petition may be signed on
Link of CIM-UK