Home Muslim World News PM Gilani urges international community to help Pakistan against terrorism

PM Gilani urges international community to help Pakistan against terrorism


Multan, Pakistan : Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said on Saturday that Pakistan possessed will and ability to fight out terrorism but the international community’s help to enhance country’s capacity was vital to win war against the menace.

Addressing a press conference at Multan airport, he said that Pakistan only lacked capacity and talks had been held with international community on the subject of capacity building which would hopefully yield positive result.

The Prime Minster said that terrorism phenomenon did develop overnight but government took swift action and conducted successful operation in Swat. “Over 2 million displaced people were settled back in their native valley just within eight weeks after the operation.”

To a question about evidence regarding Indian involvement in Balochistan, he said that the issue was take up during his meeting with Indian Prime Minister at Sharm El-Sheikh and was made part of the joint statement issued after the meeting. “Evidence will be presented at suitable time.”he added.

The premier said Pakistan wanted good relations with all its neighbours and expressed desire for resumption of composite dialogue process with India.

He said that dialogue was the only way forward adding the whole world acknowledged Pakistan’s strategic location and and its vital role as front line ally in fight against terrorism.

The International community also believed that non-resumption of dialogue would only benefit terrorists who are our common enemy and Paksitan was trying to create this understanding with the help of friends.

Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani said we are proud of being a nuclear power saying it serves as a deterrence to ensure peace in the region. He added that our nuclear capability was in safe hands under National Command and Control Authority and no one can dare cast an evil eye on it. We will not make any compromise on our strategic capabilities, he said in categorical terms.

Gilani criticized drone attacks saying they were proving counter productive. While we are trying to separate militants from other tribal people, drone attacks were doing the opposite, he added.

He said, US should transfer drone technology to Pakistan if it was vital in war against terrorism.
The Prime Minister said that Pakistan wants to maintain strategic relationship with USA in an honourable manner.

He said that Pakistan was not fighting the war of America. We are fighting our own war, he said adding that our own people were dying due to terrorism.

The Premier said that we have to defeat terrorism to restore peace and improve situation regarding investment and jobs.

To a question regarding financial losses Pakistan suffered due to the fight against terrorism, he said that international community including US have promised support and hoped they will fulfil them.

To a question on pace of progress on Pak-Iran gas pipeline project, PM said that agreement has been signed and a proper procedure was being followed to execute the mega project.

The Prime Minister said that former president Musharraf should not be compared with us adding that he (Musharraf) was a usurper who came to power through referendum and not by election.

To a question about NRO, the Prime Minister said that President Asif Ali Zardari, other ministers and PPP workers had offered many sacrifices and suffered jail hardships for democracy and party’s manifesto and vision.

He said, “we had faced false cases then and are ready to face court today adding that judiciary is independent and we will accept whatever decision it makes”.

To a question on new accountability law, Prime Minister said there is hair line difference between accountability and political victimization. He added that procedure of accountability was mentioned in the Charter of Democracy that was signed by martyred PPP chairperson Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and PML-Quaid Mian Nawaz Sharif.

He categorically said that Opposition should bring the amendment it wants to incorporate in the accountability law draft.

We want to bring this legislation with consensus because it was not merely meant for this government but for bright future of our coming generations, he said.

To another question, he said that President Asif Ali Zardari faced investigations throughout his life but never compromised on principles and added that we are ready to face any allegation even today.

To a question on action against former President Musharraf under Article 6 of the Constitution, the Prime Minister said, PPP had formed a coalition government while moving forward in the light of the spirit of reconciliation. Action can be taken provided the House adopts a consensus resolution, he added.

He said that he had spoken on the floor of the House that “we can consider any thing that is doable and added those who abetted were also equally responsible”.

To another question regarding separate province, he said that time was not suitable to raise such issues adding that country was passing through a difficult phase and could not afford destabilisation.

He said that government was committed to uplift the South Punjab and funds worth billions of rupees were being invested to end sense of deprivation among the people of this area.

To another question, he said that Chief Minister Mian Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has promised to give big city status to Multan and added that the Chief Minister would fulfil his promise.

He also promised to address problems of pensioners of disbanded newspaper “Daily Imroz” when a questioner requested him to direct NPT chairman to make payments to pensioners of the daily.

He said that government was finalizing a strategy to make sugar available to the people through market.