By News Desk,
New Delhi: The Popular Front of India demanded the Union Government to table the Liberhan Commission Report in the winter session of Parliament and punish all the criminals behind the brutal demolition of Babari Masjid.
The National General Assembly of Popular Front of India held on 21st and 22nd November 2009 at Manjeri in Kerala made the demand. Popular Front will observe 6th December 09 as Anti Fascist Day and will conduct a nationwide campaign in this respect.
“ Demolition of the Babri Masjid was the most brutal attack by the Hindutva forces on the secular nature of India. This was the most heinous crime which the country witnessed after the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi,” said K.M. Shareef, General Secretary, PFI.

Liberhan Commission was appointed to enquire about the Babri Masjid demolition with the direction to submit the report within six months. The commission was granted extension of tenure several times and also spent crores of rupees. At last, after 17 years the commission completed the enquiry and submitted the report, but it is pathetic to know that the government has not yet tabled the report in the Parliament.
“The government has failed to provide justice to the victims. The culprits involved in the demolition are far away from the reach of law. The criminal cases charged by the CBI against Hindutva leaders in connection with Masjid demolition are lagging indefinitely. The original case is pending for last six decades in the court. Like most of the previous commission reports, the Liberhan commission report should not be kept in the cold storage. The Popular Front of India will unite the Muslims and other secular and democratic forces of the country to fight against the denial of justice by the government.”
The National General Assembly of PFI also demanded the Union Government to table the Rangnath Misra Commission Report in the Parliament and take necessary steps for the uplift of Minorities in India.
Justice Rangnath Misra Commission has recommended 15% quota reservation for backward classes in the government jobs, in which 10 % reservation will be exclusively for Muslims. But the government has never showed the will to table this report in the parliament. Such an attitude by the government has proved that the government is only interested in serving the interests of the upper castes and lacks the sincerity to provide social justice.
“According to Article 25 of the Indian Constitution, all Indian citizens have the right of freedom to believe, practice and propagate in any religion of his choice. Religious conversion is not against the fundamental rights of the constitution but the Sangh Parivar outfits are conducting nationwide campaign against this constitutional right. This heinous propaganda of Hindutva camps creates hatred among religious communities and damages the communal harmony and secular fabric of the country. The violence and attacks against minorities occurred in various parts of the country are the clear evidence of this threat.”
At the National General Assembly K.M. Shareef, General Secretary, PFI, presented the annual report. A. Sayeed, Vice Chairman led the discussion on Political Empowerment. Nasrudeen.V.P, Abdul Latheef.K, Mohamedali Jinnah, P.Koya, Dr, Mehaboob Sharif were on the dais. O.M.A. Salam gave the concluding remarks. E. M. Abdurahman, Chairman presided the meeting.
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