Home India News Steep hike in power tariff in Karnataka

Steep hike in power tariff in Karnataka


Bangalore : Consumers in Karnataka will have to shell out additional amount for electricity from Dec 1 with the authorities increasing the power tariff between 30 paise and Rs.1.20 per unit.

The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission has, however, spared those who consume up to 100 units per month.

The hike comes against stiff opposition by public, opposition parties and industry and trade bodies.

The five government-owned power supply companies had demanded an increase of 51 paise per unit saying such a hike was needed to meet the increase in power generation and transmission costs.

The minimum increase of 30 paise per unit applies to those who consume between 101 and 200 units per month. They will have to pay Rs.3.90 per unit as against the present Rs. 3.60 per unit.

Those who consume up to 400 units of power consumption will have to pay the maximum hike of Rs.1.20 per unit, from the present Rs.4.70 per unit to Rs. 5.90 per unit.