Home India News EU approves cooperation accord with India in atomic energy research for peaceful...

EU approves cooperation accord with India in atomic energy research for peaceful use

By EuAsiaNews,

Brussels : European Union Transport, Telecommunication and Energy ministers meeting in Luxembourg on Friday have given their green signal to the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between Euratom (the European Atomic Energy Community) and India in the field of fusion energy research, the EU announced in a statement Saturday.

The objectives of the accord are to intensify cooperation between the two sides in the areas covered by their respective fusion programmes in order to develop the scientific understanding and technological capability underlying a fusion energy system.

It includes the exchange and provision of information and data on scientific and technical activities, exchange of scientists, engineers and other specialists and organisation of seminars and other meetings to discuss and exchange information in fusion energy.

Euratom , established in 1957, aims to contribute to the formation and development of Europe’s nuclear industries, so that all EU member states can benefit from the development of atomic energy, and to ensure security of supply.

Euratom’s powers are limited to peaceful civil uses of nuclear energy. It also desires to associate other countries with their work and to cooperate with international organizations concerned with the peaceful development of atomic energy.