Home International “We must clean up politics”, says Brown amid expenses probe

“We must clean up politics”, says Brown amid expenses probe


London : British Prime Minister Gordon Brown warned Monday that politics must be “cleaned up” as scores of MPs – including himself – were expected to be sent letters by auditors asking them to repay money from the past five years.

The Prime Minister said Sir Thomas Legg, the former civil servant charged with a review into MPs’ expenses, had probably introduced new rules retrospectively so that MPs who had filled in their forms correctly may have to pay back money.

“We have got to clean up politics, we have got to consign the old discredited system to the dustbin of history, so this is part of the process of doing so,” he told the commercial TV station GMTV.

“Sir Thomas Legg will make recommendations, people have a chance to look at what he says, then my advice to people is, if after the process has gone through in the next few weeks, he says you have got to repay, let’s get it done, let’s get it sorted out and let’s get it back to a system that people can make sure they have confidence in.”
The abuse of expenses by MPS provoked angry reaction from the public, amid calls to clean up politics as the country faced its worst financial crisis in decades, commentators said.