Home Indian Muslim Advisory Board of AMU alumni meets to discuss off-campus centres

Advisory Board of AMU alumni meets to discuss off-campus centres

By TwoCircles.net news desk,

Patna: The members of Advisory Board of the AMU old boys appointed by vice chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis to seek their help for establishment of five special campuses of AMU, met yesterday at India Islamic Cultural Centre in New Delhi.

After the formation it was the first meeting of the Board which was attended by its alumni from across the world such as Mr. Ali Ashraf Fatmi, Former Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Mr. Ishrat Aziz, former Indian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Mr. Ali Rizvi, President, Federation of AMU Alumni, USA, Mr. Faisal Saleem (USA), Er. Nadeem Tarin, Saudi Arabia, Mr. Masood Akhtar, USA, Mr. Safdar H. Khan, General Manager of Trade Fair Authority of India, University Registrar, Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel and several university officials and educators.

Notably, the Board has been assigned to collect suggestions from AMU alumni from across the world for establishing the centres and preparing a framework for academic activities there. It has also been given responsibility to approve courses that AMU should offer at these new centres and identify potential mentors and collaborators for various programs.

The members of the Board discussed the ways to carry out their responsibilities and to prepare the report within prescribed time.

Speaking at the meeting, AMU Registrar Prof. V. K. Abdu Jaleel threw the light on the objectives of the institution of Advisory Board while Dean Faculty of Management Prof. Javed Akhtar, explained to the guests about the developments regarding AMU Centres at Murshidabad and Malappuram through PowerPoint presentation.

On the occasion, the Vice Chancellor of AMU Prof Azis has appealed to the committee to submit its report by December 15, 2009 and also suggest the ways of generating resource for the project.

Prof Azis informed that the report of the committee will be discussed in a national level brain storming session in New Delhi and also it will be placed before the statutory bodies of the University for developing a vision plan for the centres.

It is to be noted that AMU has decided to establish its five campuses one each in Murshidabad (West Bengal), Malappuram (Kerala), Kishangunj (Bihar), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) and Pune (Maharashtra).

Kerala and West Bengal government allotted the land for the campuses and works at the sites are going on at fast track, but Bihar, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh governments are yet to show any development for the purpose.