Home India Politics Let’s follow Indira’s austere lifestyle, Sonia urges partymen

Let’s follow Indira’s austere lifestyle, Sonia urges partymen


New Delhi: Congress president Sonia Gandhi has urged her party leaders to follow the “simple and austere manner of living” of her mother-in-law Indira Gandhi.

Remembering the late prime minister, who was assassinated Oct 31, 1984, Sonia Gandhi in her Letter to Congresspersons in the latest issue of party mouthpiece Congress Sandesh, said: “On this sombre occasion, let us reflect on and recall the simple and austere manner of her living and conducting herself. Let us also resolve to continue to be guided by her.”

Sonia Gandhi’s article written on the eve of Indira Gandhi’s 25th death anniversary highlights her contribution in the country’s development.

“Her contributions are numerous and continue to resonate. It was her bold political leadership that made India self-reliant in the production of wheat and rice that brought prosperity to lakhs and lakhs of farmers, transforming rural India,” Sonia Gandhi wrote.

“It was her compassionate leadership that gave the highest priority to policies and programmes for the welfare and wellbeing of the weaker sections of society.”