Home India News Varanasi forum cancels ‘Diwali of the gods’

Varanasi forum cancels ‘Diwali of the gods’


Varanasi : The tradition of celebrating ‘Deva Deepawali’ or the Diwali of the gods, on the banks of the Ganga river here would not be observed this year.

The occasion falls every year on the night of ‘Kartik Purnima’, according to the traditional Hindu calendar. The day is on Nov 2 this time.

A decision to call off the celebration was taken late Wednesday night by the Ganga Nidhi (Ganga Trust), the organisers of the unique festival which is marked by lighting of diyas all along the 80 ghats of this ancient Hindu city, better known as the abode of the gods.

The celebration draws tens of thousands of people.

According to Ganga Nidhi president Satyendra Misra: “We were constrained to take this unfortunate decision because of the hostile attitude of the district magistrate, whose insistence for a personal honour on the occasion was turned down by us.”

District Magistrate A.K. Upadhaya was not available for comment.