Home Muslim World News Canada to send back yet another Pakistani couple

Canada to send back yet another Pakistani couple


Toronto : Canada is set to throw out yet another Pakistani couple and their children after the top federal court rejected their plea to stay deportation orders against them.

The couple had moved the highest court after the immigration and refugee board rejected their application for refugee status. This will be the second case of removal of a Pakistani couple from Canada in as many months.

Montreal-based Naveed Akram Chaudhary, wife Safia and their three Canada-born children will be put on the plane back to Pakistan Sep 12.

The couple, who entered Canada illegally in 2002, had sought permanent residence on the grounds that they will be harmed if they returned to Pakistan. They said they belong to the minority Shia sect and face threats from Sunni fundamentalists in Pakistan.

The couple said they were forced to seek refuge in Canada after they were allegedly targeted by the Sipah-e-Sahaba radical group.

Rejecting their plea, Justice Yves de Montigny said: “The risks they would allegedly face if removed to Pakistan have already been considered and rejected.

“Similarly, the best interests of their Canadian-born children have already been assessed, and the applicants have not submitted any new evidence that would substantiate a reversal of the decision reached by the Immigration Officer.”

Just two months, another Montreal-based Pakistani couple was deported after losing their eight-year battle to stay in Canada. Since they had entered Canada illegally from the US, Sabir Mohammed Sheikh and his wife Seema were handed over to US authorities to be sent back to Pakistan.

Because of lax Canadian immigration laws, a large number of Pakistanis entered Canada illegally from the US after 9/11 terror attacks.

They have sought permanent status on various excuses, including harassment by police, army and their opponents in Pakistan.

Though illegal entry from Pakistan seems to have come down, many Pakistanis still manage to slip in via third countries.

Currently, there are more than 60,000 refuge seekers in Canada. Each case costs Canadian taxpayers $30,000.