Home International Russian activists hold U.S. embassy protest over crash victim

Russian activists hold U.S. embassy protest over crash victim

By RIA Novosti,

Moscow : Russian activists staged a protest outside the American embassy in Moscow demanding compensation for a Russian who was badly injured in a car accident involving a U.S. diplomat, a group spokesperson said.

Some 200 activists took part in the demonstration on Sunday in support of Alexander Kashin from the Primorye Territory, in Russia’s Far East. Kashin was left paralyzed and in a wheelchair in November 1998 when the vehicle he was traveling in was hit by a jeep being driven by the then-U.S. general consul in Vladivostok Douglas Kent.

Russian Youth spokesperson, Evgeny Nasonov, told Ekho Moskvy radio that “this June new U.S. ambassador Beyrle said in his LiveJournal blog that he was ready to answer the most difficult questions on Russian-U.S. relations,” and added that Kent was sent from Russia, while Kashin was left without any compensation for his injuries.

“Kashin supporters have sent John Beyrle around 100 questions… wanting to know when America will pay compensation to Alexander and Kent be held accountable. Beyrle has not replied to any of these questions,” Nasonov said.