Home Indian Muslim Rasool Pookkutty to be awarded D.Litt by Kaladi University in Kerala

Rasool Pookkutty to be awarded D.Litt by Kaladi University in Kerala

By TwoCircle.net Staff Correspondent,

Kochi: The Kaladi Sanskrit University in Kerala has decided to honour Rasool Pokkutty with a Doctorate. The syndicate of the University decided to recommend to the Academic Council to award honorary D.Litt for Rasool Pookkutty, actor Mohan Lal and Sanskrit scholar Prof. HM Shastrikal. Rasool Pookkutty has won the Oscar Award for his sound engineering in Danny Boyle’s film ‘Slumdog Millionaire’.

The decision of the University reached Rasool Pookkutty when he was in a studio in Mumbai for the Malayalam film ‘Pazhassiraja’. “It was my mother’s dream to see me as a doctor. But I got another character. However, I have been secretly learning for her.” Even though he could realize his mother’s dream, Pookkutty is sad that his mother is no more to see him as Dr Pookkutty.

Rasool Pookkutty responded that he took the doctorate as the symbol of Malayalis’ love for him. He also expressed his sincere gratitude for the honour.