Home International China urges US to ‘create condition’ for military relations

China urges US to ‘create condition’ for military relations

By Xinhua,

Beijing: China Tuesday urged the US to create conditions for the development of stable military-to-military relations.

“We hope the US cautiously handles issues of arms sales to Taiwan and vessel and plane surveillance,” said Ma Xiaotian, deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

In a meeting with US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, Ma said the two sides should “respect each other’s core interests” and “properly handle differences and sensitive issues”.

Ma said military relations between the two countries had shown positive signs.

Ma attributed the growing military ties between the two countries to the efforts by Chinese President Hu Jintao and US President Barack Obama.

“China takes a positive attitude on improving military exchanges with the US, and will expand common interests and cooperation to push forward military ties,” he said.

Steinberg said his country would work with China for better military relations, which was vital for long-term development of bilateral ties.

He said the US would like to conduct “sustainable and stable dialogue” with China on strategic issues.