New Delhi : Delhi Assembly Speaker Yoganand Shastri Friday said an ethics committee will look after the conduct of the legislators, both inside and outside the house.
The assembly Thursday approved the constitution of the committee.
“The ethics committee will have nine members who will check the behaviour and code of conduct of the other legislators. The nine members would be selected on the basis of (parties’) proportionate strength in the house,” Shastri said.
He said the legislators should follow discipline not just in the house but also with officials outside.
“A committee of this nature is need of the hour as per the practice prevailing in parliament of India,” he said.
Citing the case of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) legislator Sat Prakash Rana, who had allegedly misbehaved with officials of the Delhi Jal Board, Shastri said: “Such actions should be avoided by the MLAs (legislators) in future.”
He warned that strict disciplinary action would be initiated by the committee in case of any unruly behaviour within or outside the house by any member.
“Initially it can be a warning but if the same behaviour continues by the member, then he would be suspended or terminated from the house,” Shastri said.