Home Indian Muslim Lovers commit suicide in Greater Noida

Lovers commit suicide in Greater Noida


Greater Noida: A 22-year-old youth and a 19-year-old girl, who were in a relationship and belonged to the same gotra (clan), committed suicide by consuming insecticide here, police Tuesday said.

“Sanjeev Singh alias Titu and Anjali committed suicide by consuming insecticide. The two were found dead in the morning around 7.30 a.m.,” station officer (Jehangirpur) Sunil Dutt said.

“The two were in a relationship for quite long,” Dutt added.

“Sanjeev and Anjali went to his wheat grain field and seem to have consumed the poison meant for killing insects. Froth was emerging from their mouths when the bodies were found,” he said.

Around 7.30 a.m., the villagers saw the bodies lying in the field and informed the police.

Both Sanjeev and Anjali belonged to Jaat community and their families were into farming. The boy’s family was opposed to the marriage, police said.

Sources in the Chak village said the families of both the boy and girl belonged to the same gotra (clan or lineage) and this could be the reason for their reluctance to accept their relationship.

“We have taken the bodies for post-mortem examination and are investigating the matter,” Dutt said.