Ranchi: The Jharkhand High Court Thursday rejected a plea of former chief minister Madhu Koda’s aide, Vinod Sinha, for removing the latter’s name from the probe into a Rs.2,500-crore money laundering scam.
A division bench of Chief Justice Gyan Sudha Mishra and Justice R.R. Prasad rejected Sinha’s petition.
“Sinha’s counsel argued to remove his name from the investigation in Madhu Koda scam. The court rejected the plea and asked Sinha to approach investigating agencies and the concerned court,” said Rajiv Kumar, lawyer of Durga Oraon, who filed a public interest litigation (PIL) against Koda and five former ministers.
Sinha in his petition said that no evidence exist against him and his name should be removed from the case.
Sinha is absconding since Oct 31 last year, when Income Tax (IT) department sleuths raided 69 places in eight Indian cities. IT sleuths also raided houses of Koda and Sinha. An arrest warrant is also pending against Sinha in the scam.