Home Indian Muslim Fifteen injured during protest against cow slaughter

Fifteen injured during protest against cow slaughter


New Delhi : Fifteen people, including five policemen, were injured during a protest over cow slaughter in Vijay Vihar area of outer Delhi Sunday, police said.

The local residents started protesting Sunday morning after carcasses of five cows were reportedly found in the Lal Quarter area of Vijay Vihar for the second consecutive day. The protesters claimed it was third such case in a fortnight.

They raised slogans against the administration and demanded action into the incident.

According to a senior police officer: “The crowd started gathering around 7 in the morning after which they started blocking roads. They also pelted stones at the police.”

Police called for reinforcements and baton-charged the crowds to disperse the protesters.

“We had to resort to a baton-charge as the protest had turned violent. Several people responsible for violence have been detained. In all fifteen people were injured, including five policemen,” the officer said.

“Patrolling in the area has been increased and we are looking for those responsible for cow slaughter. The locals have alleged that it is work of some slaughter houses operating illegally in the area. It is being looked into,” the officer added.