New Delh: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said Tuesday that it would move a cut motion in the Lok Sabha with a view to expose the parties keen on saving the government from a legislative defeat.
BJP leader Ananth Kumar told reporters that the party’s deputy leader in the Lok Sabha, Gopinath Munde, met Speaker Meira Kumar to request that demands for grants related to various ministries should not be passed during disruptions in the house.
Munde also requested the speaker to ensure divisions in the house when voting is conducted — to know who stands by the government and who goes against it.
Ananth Kumar said there was a “conspiracy to save the ruling coalition by disruption and not participating in the cut motion”.
Urging all parties to support the cut motion, he said there should not be any walkout or disruption.
“The cut motion is like a no-confidence motion. There is a need to express opinion through voting,” he said.