New Delhi : The Supreme Court Friday got three new judges, including a woman – Jharkhand High Court Chief Justice Syan Sudha Misra, who described herself as a representative of Indian women.
The others elevated to the apex court by President Pratibha Patil were Madras High Court Chief Justice Hemant Laxman Gokhale and Bombay High Court Chief Justice Anil Ramesh Dave.
They will be the judges of the Supreme Court from the dates they assume charge, said a statement from the ministry of law and justice.
Speaking to journalists after the swearing in, Justice Misra said she was happy to become a judge of the country’s top court.
She said she was a representative of Indian women and thanked the apex court collegium for reposing faith in her.
Justice Misra is the first Supreme Court woman judge since Justice Ruma Pal retired in June 2006.
Justice Fathima Beevi was the first woman of the Supreme Court, from Oct 10, 1989, to April 29, 1992. Two years later, Justice Sujata Manohar became an apex court judge Nov 8, 1994. She retired Aug 27, 1999.
Justice Ruma Pal was the third woman Supreme Court judge, from Jan 28, 2000, to June 6, 2006.