New Delhi : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Friday conveyed its condolences to families of those killed in flash floods in Leh town in Jammu and Kashmir’s Ladakh region and appealed to the state government to speedily rehabilitate those who were affected.
Expressing its distress, the party said that the extent of damage to life and property was yet to be ascertained.
“We appeal to the government of Jammu and Kashmir that it extends medical treatment to all those injured and speedily rehabilitate those who are affected and displaced. We also appeal to the government to provide compensation, at the earliest, to those who have lost their property,” the party said in a statement.
At least 115 people were killed and almost 350 injured in flash floods triggered by a massive cloudburst that hit Leh town of Jammu and Kashmir’s Ladakh region around midnight Thursday, washing away several government buildings and houses.