Home India News Positive feelers from ULFA for talks: Home Secretary

Positive feelers from ULFA for talks: Home Secretary


Guwahati : Jailed leaders of the outlawed United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) have sent positive feelers for peace talks with New Delhi and chances of negotiations are brightening, Union Home Secretary G.K. Pillai said here Tuesday.

“There are some feelers (from jailed ULFA leaders) and right now we are formulating strategies for both the central and the state governments for initiating talks with the ULFA,” Pillai told journalists here.

“We are not waiting for any kind of letter from the ULFA leadership for talks to begin.”

Pillai is on a two-visit to Assam to review the law and order situation and also hold informal talks with Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on the issue of negotiations with ULFA.

“We are soon recommending the strategies to the Home Minister who in turn would discuss with the chief minister and when there is a consensus at the political level, we shall be able to move ahead,” the home secretary said.

Pillai also said detained ULFA general secretary Anup Chetia could soon be handed over to India by Bangladesh.

“Now that sentenced prisoners treaty has already been signed with Bangladesh, Anup Chetia should be back in Assam soon,” he said.

Pillai has now left for the restive Bodo heartland of Kokrajhar in western Assam for an overnight stay to review incidents of fratricidal clashes between tribal militant groups in the region.

“I am very concerned and worried over the incidents of violence in the Bodoland area,” the home secretary said.