New Delhi: The Delhi government Wednesday decided to drastically enhance the security deposit for cutting down a tree while carrying out developmental work — up from the present Rs.1,000 to Rs.28,000.
“The Cabinet has decided to raise the security amount from the existing rate of Rs.1,000 to Rs.28,000 for each tree to be removed under the Delhi Preservation of Trees Act, 1994,” Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit said.
She said that this amount will have a refundable and non-refundable component of Rs.14,000 each for ensuring compensatory plantation in the city.
Thousands of trees have been felled during the last few years while carrying out several developmental works ranging from road expansion to laying of the Metro network.
Diskhit said her government is committed to preserving and conserving the green cover in Delhi “which has been increased from 26 to above 300 over the years. It is keen to ensure cent percent required compensatory plantation in lieu of felling of trees”.
The move has been taken with the twin objectives of ensuring effective implementation of the provisions of the Act and compensation on account of loss of greenery.
Presently the permission for removal of a tree under the Act needs a security deposit of Rs.1,000 for ensuring compensatory plantation of 10 saplings on the identified land at the applicant’s cost which is refunded on verification of the compensatory plantation.
It has now been decided that compensatory plantation will be split up into two components — one to be carried out by the forest department on government land and second to be raised by the applicant on identified land, the site from where trees are to be removed. Further it has been decided to fix plantation cost at Rs.2,540 per sapling.
Dikshit hoped that this will go a long way in enhancing the green cover in the capital.