New Delhi : With a substantial rise in motor vehicle thefts in the city, Delhi Police Commissioner Y.S. Dadwal Saturday said police would send letters to vehicle owners to educate them about the safety measures they should take.
“We are sending letters to all vehicle owners in the capital to sensitize them against theft,” Dadwal told reporters at the annual Delhi Police press conference.
“People buy cars for Rs.15 lakh (Rs.1.5 million) but won’t purchase safety equipment worth Rs.10,000. The vehicle manufacturers too do not include these equipments, citing cost factors,” he said.
At least 11,892 motor vehicle thefts were reported in 2009 against 9,949 in 2008, an increase of nearly 20 percent.
On illegal parking, Dadwal said: “We are purchasing 200 clamps and outsourcing 250 clamps. If this idea becomes successful, then the number of clamps will be increased manifold to curb obstructive and illegal parking.”
Clamps are devices used to lock the wheels of the offending vehicles.
There was an increase of 89 percent in cases of improper parking from 339,736 in 2008 to 643,269 in 2009.