Home International Norwegian newspaper reprints controversial Islam cartoons

Norwegian newspaper reprints controversial Islam cartoons


Oslo : The Norwegian daily newspaper Aftenposten Friday reprinted cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed that generated controversy 2005 when they were first published in a Danish newspaper.

“We have always defended media’s right to print these cartoons, and we printed a facsimile when the dispute began 2005,” Aftenposten editor-in-chief Hilde Haugsgjerd wrote.

The reprinting of the cartoons comes a week after a Somali-born man with an axe and knife was arrested breaking into the home of a Danish cartoonist who made one of the original drawings – of the prophet with a bomb in his turban.

Kurt Westergaard’s drawing was one of 12 images published in September 2005 by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. The cartoons sparked outrage among Muslims and violent protests worldwide in early 2006.

Westergaard, 74, has been the target of several plots over his drawing and Danish security police have increased security measures for him.

Haugsgjerd told broadcaster NRK that she did not believe there would be strong reactions over the publication and said it was necessary to show readers what the dispute was about.

She noted that other newspapers have reprinted the cartoons for similar reasons.

Westergaard’s cartoon was reprinted early 2008 by leading Danish newspapers after Danish security police said they had foiled a plot to murder him.