Chennai : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi Sunday said he was deeply grieved by the death of veteran Communist and “friend” Jyoti Basu.
“I am deeply grieved at the death of one of the pioneers of the Communist movement in India and my friend. As the chief minister of West Bengal for several years, he strived hard for the state’s development,” Karunanidhi said in his condolence message.
In her message, AIADMK general secretary J. Jayalalithaa said: “The passing away of 95-year-old Jyoti Basu has created a deep void in the Communist movement.
“Basu would have made a splendid prime minister. He had all the qualifications in plenty, and I was one of those who tried very hard to make it happen in 1996. However, fate willed otherwise.”
Conveying her deepest condolences to Basu’s family, Jayalalithaa said Basu’s passing away is an irreparable loss to the nation. “In his passing away, the people of India have lost a true patriot, a renowned personality and a great humanist.”
In his message, PMK leader S. Ramadoss said: “He is the only leader to have held the chief ministership for 23 long years. The people’s leader, Basu never went after positions. He voluntarily gave up the chief ministership and bowing to party’s command, he declined the prime ministership.”