Washington: Iran and North Korea have become increasingly isolated in the world because of their nuclear ambitions, US President Barack Obama has said.
During his first State of the Union address Wednesday night, Obama cited UN Security Council sanctions approved in June against Pyongyang, after the Stalinist state detonated a nuclear device. The sanctions ban North Korea from exporting weapons and call on nations to intercept suspected arms shipments.
“North Korea now faces increased isolation, and stronger sanctions – sanctions that are being vigorously enforced,” he said.
Obama warned that Iranian leaders will face “consequences” if Tehran does not come clean about it’s nuclear goals, which the West suspects are meant to produce a weapon. Iran says it’s programme is limited to civilian energy uses.
“As Iran’s leaders continue to ignore their obligations, there should be no doubt: they, too, will face growing consequences,” Obama said.
Iran has rebuffed diplomatic overtures by Obama’s administration to engage in direct dialogue to resolve the crisis. Obama has said that the United States and its partners will push for additional sanctions if Iran continues to stonewall the international community.