Gandhinagar: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is going all out in Gujarat to ensure the success of the Monday shutdown call as part of the party’s national programme to protest rising prices and the fuel price hike.
Already party workers have fanned out asking educational institutions to stay closed and even corporate entities have been discreetly told to stay shut.
Educational institutions, particularly schools are not prepared to take risks with children and have already announced a holiday Monday. While some corporates have chosen to officially remain closed, others have sent the word around that the employees may stay back.
Patni Computer Systems have officially communicated a holiday to its staff while TCS has said that its staff may stay back if they wish. Industrial units around Ahmedabad have told their work force to stay back rather than risk being caught in street violence.
The Gujarat University has officially announced the postponement of exams slated for July 5 in view of the shutdown call.
All trucks are also likely to remain off the roads in the state as the All India Motor Transport Congress has decided to support the shutdown call, its vice president H. Vasant said.
According to BJP sources, all their office bearers have been told to ensure that no shops, or business establishments are allowed to open in their respective areas.
Yamal Vyas, BJP party spokesperson said Sunday that party workers would ensure that the shutdown is a resounding success. Meanwhile, Gujarat Congress president Siddarth Patel issued a statement on shutdown eve charging the BJP of double standards and deliberately working to imperil peace in the state.
“It was the NDA (National Democratic Alliance) government at the centre which had moved the bill for freeing petroleum product prices from government control. All the BJP MPs had voted in favour of the bill both in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha and now when in the opposition the same party is opposing it. This is a shameful double face of the BJP,” he said.