Home India News Omar Abdullah pins hopes on Indo-Pak talks

Omar Abdullah pins hopes on Indo-Pak talks


Srinagar, India : Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Thurday said that Kashmir problem was basically of political nature and needs political solution adding that need of the hour was to put dialogue process between India and Pakistan back on rails.

He hoped that this time the dialogue process between the two countries would result in some amicable solution to the Kashmir problem.

Omar Abdullah, who faces worst crisis of his career, as Kashmir valley continues to boil over the recent spate of police killings and resultant anti-India demonstrations also said that his governments priority was to bring normalcy and provide succor to the people who have suffered during the recent ‘unfortunate’ incidents, adding that all the required measures would be taken to understand the anger of youth and address their genuine grievances.

Omar while talking to Radio Kashmir, said friendly relations between India and Pakistan are in the best interest of the people of Jammu and Kashmir as our state is the biggest stake holder of peace in the region adding that he was hopeful that this time the dialogue process between the two countries would result in some amicable solution to the Kashmir problem.

He said youth must see a ray of hope about their future. Mr. Omar added that youth can have complaints but there are peaceful means to give vent to their grievances. He said “we will reach out to estranged youth and their parents to make them understand that violence would lead them nowhere but further plunge them in problems. They should know that their future lies only in education not in violence.”

He said security forces have been directed to exercise utmost restraint while dealing with the situation.

Omar said large number of tourists arrived in the valley this season as compared to last year, adding that tourists have started pouring in as the situation is limping back to normalcy. He said tourism is the mainstay of state’s economy and we all have to initiate measures to create congenial atmosphere for tourists.