Home Indian Muslim SDPI to field candidates in Kerala panchayat election

SDPI to field candidates in Kerala panchayat election

By TwoCircles.net Staff Correspondent,

Malappuram: The Social Democratic Party of India will field its candidates in possible constituencies in the up-coming three-tier panchayat elections in Kerala, informed the state office-bearers in a press conference. The election is a way to show the existence of the party. The party will let its local units to make adjustments and understandings with other political parties in those places where the party has no candidates. Women also will be fielded in the election. Local and development issues will be more important than political issues in the panchayat election, said state general secretary P Abdul Majeed Faisy and secretary VT Ikramul Haq.

In another development, the state committee of the party demanded the division of the Malappuram district and the formation of a new district with Tirur as its capital. The leaders vowed to hold popular agitation for the demand. The party reportedly made such a demand so as to bring the good fruits of decentralization to the people as well as considering the population and backwardness of the area. The state leaders urged the government to solve the difficulties of the people by dividing the district.