Home Articles Radhakant Yadav – the lone campaigner of Karkare killing probe

Radhakant Yadav – the lone campaigner of Karkare killing probe

By Mumtaz Alam Falahi, TwoCircles.net,

Frail but agile is 77-year-old Radhakant Yadav. The blood in the weak Lohiaite body is still hot. Behind Hemant Karkare’s killing, he sees the forces that are active for racial supremacy on this land for five thousand years. Karkare was killed because he was exposing the nefarious design of Hindu fundamentalist groups, says 3-time MLA from Madhepura constituency in Bihar, in an exclusive interview with Mumtaz Alam Falahi of TwoCircles.net.

What moved you to approach the Supreme Court for fresh probe into the killing of Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare?

I read the book “Who Killed Karkare? The real face of terrorism in India” written by SM Mushrif, former IG, Maharashtra. I had read Dr Lohia’s Hindu vs Hindu (in which he talked about struggle between fundamentalist Hindus and moderate hindus that is on for 5000 years. Lohia said Gandhi’s killing was more to do with fight between fundamentalist Hindus and moderate Hindus than to a Hindu-Muslim issue). Mushrif’s book vindicates what Lohia said. Mushrif exposed the nefarious design of Brahminist forces. I approached the Supreme Court for enquiry into the whole Mumbai terror attack of 26/11, not only the killing of Karkare. Karkare was killed with a planning. He had exposed Hindu militants in Malegaon blast case. He had reached to the conclusion that the same Hindu militant forces were behind Ajmer Dargah blast, Samjhauta express blast and Mecca Masjid blasts. As they were afraid of his coming revelations they conspired to kill him.

The information about Mumbai attack plot had reached IB and RAW seven days before. But IB sat on it and waited to use that occasion to kill Karkare. IB has same fundamentalist people as those who are ruling the country. Their planning is to take over the country in 2015. For this, they created anti-Muslim phobia by plotting terror attacks in the country. We demand probe of entire Mumbai attack, IB’s role and the role of Mumbai police.

When things around the killing of Karkare getting cloudy, or better say, Hindu conspiracy to kill him is getting clearer, then why the Congress govt at the centre is not ordering fresh probe into his killing?

The fundamentalist Hindus to which Dr Lohia refers are also found in the Congress. The party also is under control of Brahmins. BJP and Congress are now two sides of same coin. Before independence Congress was a party which fought for freedom, the Congress of free India wants to make it slave once again. Manmohan Singh is just copying US and UK. Both BJP and Congress have fundamentalist elements.

Some Hindu terror groups like Abhinav Bharat and their members have been found involved in some terror blasts including Malegaon, Ajmer Dargah and Mecca Masjid blasts. How do you think these organizations can be checked?

Now media will have to come up and expose these forces. The political parties have lost will-power to raise these issues. But as SM Mushrif says such fundamentalist elements have infiltrated the media as well and they don’t want to bring such issues before the people. Take the case of this book Who Killed Karkare? No media has given coverage to this book.

Terror blasts in India are said to have taken place of communal riots. The forces who were behind communal riots are now executing terror blasts. What do you say?

There are no major blasts in the country after Mumbai terror attack. Credit for this goes to Hemant Karkare. And that’s why I will celebrate his martyrdom. He did a great work in the interest of the weaker people in the country. He checked the Brahminist forces who are out to enslave us.

Though Supreme Court has rejected your petition seeking enquiry into Karkare’s killing but has put you at liberty to approach High Court. What are you thinking?

The courts are on vacation nowadays. When HC opens I will discuss with our lawyers and members of Sapt Kranti Wahini and then take a decision.

About Radhakant Yadav:

Radhkant Yadav’s petition for probe into Karkare’s killing was rejected by Supreme Court on May 12 but he was kept at liberty to approach High Court. Yadav is president of Sapt Kranti Wahini – the organization that works to spread the thoughts of Dr Lohia. Yadav was MLA from 1977-95 on Janata Party, Lok Dal and Janata Dal tickets. Now he resides in Patna.

