Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal Monday said the government would extend all help during a Buddhist ceremony that will be attended by the Tibetan spiritual guru the Dalai Lama in Himachal Pradesh’s Kinnaur district in 2013.
“The state would be extending best possible help for successful organisation of ‘Kalachakra’ scheduled to be held in 2013 at Pooh where His Holiness the Dalai Lama would deliver sermons,” he told reporters during his visit to Kinnaur district.
He said a helipad would be constructed at an estimated cost of Rs.2.5 crore at Pooh for the convenience of the visitors during the ceremony.
Thousands of monks and nuns from India and abroad are likely to attend the Buddhist ceremony which will be presided over by high-ranking priests of the sect.
“Kalachakra” means wheel of time. It forms part of a system of teachings and practice which the Buddha passed on to his disciples.