Home Indian Muslim Salman Ahmad was not a minor, rules court

Salman Ahmad was not a minor, rules court


New Delhi: A city court Wednesday ruled that Salman Ahmad,a Delhi serial bombings accused, was not a minor at the time of the serial bombings in the capital Sep 13, 2008.

The court dismissed Ahmad’s plea for a trial before the Juvenile Justice Board on the ground that he was a minor at the time of the terror attack.

Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Kaveri Baweja rejected Ahmad’s application, saying that after examining the evidence and witnesses it was clear that he is not a minor at the time of the blasts.

“It is clear after the perusal of the documents produced and evidences placed before the court that the accused was not a minor,” the court said.

The court allowed 10 days’ time to Delhi Police to file charge sheet against another accused, Shahzad Ahmed, who was arrested Feb 6.

The charge sheet against both the accused will be filed in the court May 15.

Earlier, the court examined Salman Ahmad’s mother to verify his age. She claimed that his date of birth is Feb 9, 1992, and that he was a minor at the time of the serial bombings in Delhi.

The court March 15 directed the All India Institute of Medical Sciences to determine Ahmad’s age. A medical board of the AIIMS submitted a report March 23 in court and said his age was 25-26 years.

The serial bombings took place in the capital Sep 13, 2008, killing 26 people and leaving 135 others injured.