Home Indian Muslim AMOUBA election gets high-profile with Arfa Khanum in the fray

AMOUBA election gets high-profile with Arfa Khanum in the fray

By TCN News

New Delhi: The election for AMU Old Boys Association (AMOUBA) has always evoked curiosity and interest among the former students of this university and other budding and seasoned intellectuals as this association has always tried to leave a mark on the ongoing affairs of the university and the country. The association’s statements and efforts of intervention with regard to a plethora of issues like selection of a new vice chancellor, the university’s admission policy, student movement, the issue of the university’s minority character and many other important issues give it a different position in comparison with other universities’ alumni associations, which have been relegated to the position of a platform for interaction among batch mates.

The entry of noted TV and print journalist Ms Arfa Khanum in this year’s AMOUBA election for Delhi, slated to be held on Sunday May 9, has added extra vibrancy to the election campaign. She is a candidate for the post of vice-president.

Her plan and agenda for the association includes creation of a support system for AMU students in their search for jobs in Delhi, creation of mechanism for AMU students’ interaction with intellectuals and learned personalities of national stature, launching a magazine and upgrading the association’s website are some of her priorities.

She has also got some prominent personalities supporting her candidacy. Delhi Press Club’s general secretary and former AMU student, Mr Pushpendra Kulshreshtha says, Arfa has brought the AMUOBA election from the confines of Jamia Nagar to Delhi’s centre and extended its outreach.

The sitting AMUOBA President Mr Safdar Hussain Khan, who is also the general manager of the International Trade Promotion Organization, also extended support to her and appealed to the gathering to start the process of 33 per cent reservation for women in Indian parliament by electing her.

Firoz Bakht Ahmad of Friends of Education has also thrown his support behind Arfa Khanum.

Interestingly many non-AMU figures were also shown besides her in a Delhi Press Club press conference. Noted TV journalist Amrita Rai and freelance writer Damini Yadav expressed their eagerness to join the association in any form so that they would be able to play a role in realizing Arfa’s plans and objectives. Ms Amrita believed that AMU’s problems are national in character and therefore involvement of non-AMU figures in the association will be useful for the university and its students. The participants of the meeting lamented that though AMU is quite popular in other countries but it does not enjoy the same status in its own country, India. It was a general feeling that this university is being ignored by its compatriots deliberately or inadvertently and hopefully Arfa’s election to AMUOBA will help in restoring the glorious past of this institution.

To vote: May 9th, 2010 (9 am to 3pm) at Taimoor Nagar Community
Centre, New Delhi
