Home Muslim World News Palestinians should not pay price for Holocaust: Jewish activist

Palestinians should not pay price for Holocaust: Jewish activist

Berlin, May 8, IRNA — Palestinians should not pay the price for the Nazi Holocaust, a prominent German Jewish activist said an international Palestinian conference in Berlin on Saturday.

Addressing the symposium, Evelyn Hecht-Galinski stressed the Nazi genocide should not be an excuse for Germany to keep silent on Israeli crimes against Palestinians.

“It is not the Palestinians who are guilty of the Holocaust,” she said.

They are victimized by Israel’s “land grab and occupation policy,” the anti-Zionist activist added.

She called for an end to Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.

“Sixty-two years of expulsion and ethnical cleansing of Palestinians are enough.
Forty-three years of occupation and repression are enough,” said Hecht-
Galinski who is the daughter of the late German Jewish leader Heinz Galinski.

“As long as there is Israeli oppression, there can be no peace and peaceful
co-existence,” she added.

Hecht-Galinksi made clear Israeli leaders should also be tried for war crimes in Gaza.

The German Jewish publisher accused the Zionist regime of conducting “a creeping genocide” in Gaza.

She branded Gaza the “largest open air prison” in the world.

Meanwhile, she lambasted the inhuman condition of Palestinian prisoners in Israel, among them women and children.

She reiterated the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homeland on the basis of UN Resolution 194.

She urged German Chancellor Angela Merkel to protest against the Israeli oppressive policies in the occupied territories, saying they violated international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Hecht-Galinski said safeguarding the Israeli security should no longer be the official doctrine of the German government, arguing it was a “breach of the German constitution and political decency.”

She had in the past likened the situation of Palestinians under the Israeli occupying regime to that of Jews during the Nazi Germany.

Hecht-Galinski has repeatedly lashed out at Germany’s powerful Central Council of Jews, accusing it of being nothing more than a mouthpiece of Israel.

She had also expressed her outrage over continued attempts by the Central Council
of Jews to stifle any criticism of Israel in Germany.

Hecht-Galinski who is a member of the German section of a group calling itself
‘European Jews for a Just Peace’, said it was ‘unbearable’ for her to see the Central Council of Jews act repeatedly as a mouthpiece of the Israeli government.

Instead she urged the Central Council of Jews to address the urgent social needs
of Jews in Germany.

Hecht-Galinski made headlines in summer of 2006 after she strongly condemned
Israel’s brutal military incursion in Lebanon and the Palestinian-run territories.

“As a German Jew, I am ashamed of Israel. Target killings, humiliating the Palestinian population, land dispossessions, destroying infrastructure, border checkpoint harassment, building the wall, blowing up houses, bombing UN monitors ….”