Home India Politics Seek permission to buy car, house: CPI-M to leaders

Seek permission to buy car, house: CPI-M to leaders


New Delhi: The Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) office bearers and senior leaders will have to seek the party’s permission before buying a vehicle or building a new house, the party’s rectification document says.

The Kerala and West Bengal leadership of the party, which has been fighting against the globalisation and liberalisation policies of the central government, is now under the influence of these same policies, party sources privy to the rectification document said here Wednesday.

The CPI-M has launched the rectification campaign to root out corruption within the party ranks. The recently held central committee meeting had detailed discussion on the rectification document.

In a bid to curb the parliamentary ambitions of party leaders, CPI-M has also decided not to allow a cadre to contest elections to any parliamentary body for more than three times, said the sources who have access to the rectification document.