Home International UN chief supports measures against North Korea

UN chief supports measures against North Korea


New York : UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Monday called Pyongyang’s sinking of a South Korean navy ship the “most serious provocation” in the troubled Korean peninsula, urging UN measures tailored to the situation.

Ban, a former South Korean foreign minister who has dealt with North Koreans in the past, lashed out at them for torpedoing the Cheonan navy ship March 26, killing 46 sailors.

North Korea denied it sank the ship and warned of an “all out war” if South Korea were to proceed with measures against it.

“The evidence laid out in the joint international investigation report is overwhelming and deeply troubling,” Ban said. “I fully share the widespread condemnation of the incident.

“It is particularly deplorable that the incident took place at a time when the six-party talks and international efforts towards a de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula remain stalled,” he said.

“Such an unacceptable act by the Democratic Republic of Korea runs counter to international efforts to promote peace and stability in the region.”

Ban said he had listened “carefully” to South Korean President Lee Mung-bak who said Monday in Seoul that he planned to ask the UN Security Council to deal with the incident. Council members will hold consultations on the request, Ban said.

“I am confident that the Council, in fulfilling its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, will take measures appropriate to the gravity of the situation,” Ban said.

North Korea had been urged to return to the six-party talks to settle its dispute over its nuclear programme. The talks stalled after North Korea exploded nuclear devices in 2006 and 2009. The countries in the talks were China, the US, Russia, Japan, North and South Korea.