The memorable moments of Commonwealth Games

    By Sirajuddin Qureshi,

    The Commonwealth Games have left different memories on different people’s mind. However, there are some people who raised questions about the importance of organizing the games. After the culmination of the Games, allegations and counter allegations and investigations into the reported inappropriate usage of funds have been launched. During the Games there have been memorable moments which were noticed by very few people. I have noticed that today’s young generation does not have any communal or religious bias. Despite the satanic efforts of extremist elements and organizations, the country’s youth have not been contaminated.

    During the opening and closing ceremonies, I felt proud of being part of the most secular and forward looking over 60,000 strong crowds. The majority of the audience was young. They were cheering and clapping on the announcement of the very important personalities. The arrival of Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, the former President was cheered with extraordinary enthusiasm and energy. The audience continued clapping for quite long. The young Indians did not welcome him as a Muslim; instead he is considered to be the father of country’s missile program, exceptional and renowned scientist, outstanding scholar and the most popular former President of the republic. Athletes from Pakistan and their High Commissioner also received noticeable welcome by the youth dominated audience. They forgot the political differences and geographical boundaries and extended warm greetings to their western neighbors.

    Before going into other details, it would be worth mentioning that the number of Muslims present in the stadium; might have been just a few thousands. The overwhelming welcome received by former president Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam and the Pakistani athletes have indicated the substantial change among the young Indians. It shows that average youth from the majority community does not give any consideration to the religious or communal bias. Similarly Muslims have adopted several Hindu traditions and celebrate their festivals. I can not underestimate the strength of majority of young Indians who have been unequivocally appreciating the general Muslims, the bollywood artists and various important personalities.

    Allahabad High Court verdict on Ayodhya also came just few days before the Commonwealth Games. Though different sections of the society expressed their reservations, Muslims generally were criticizing the HC verdict. The people who were earlier trying to postpone the court verdict had also apprehended that the HC verdict may cause communal tension in the country. Majority community have generally appreciated Muslims’ concern and helped in maintaining communal harmony, which was, in my opinion unprecedented in the post independence era. The Commonwealth Games and debate on Ayodhya verdict passed off peacefully. In fact this is the strength of the secular republic of India.

    Many scholars and thinkers have outlined the need of canalizing the power and energy of the young generation. Muslim youth should also properly be guided and supervised to utilize their talents in the mainstream national development. We need to safeguard their interests and develop their future. This seems to be possible only by removing their sense of insecurity and canalizing their efforts in the right direction. For achieving this gigantic goal they should intermingle with majority youth. Developing friendly relationship among the younger generations of different communities will lead to resolve pending sensitive issues.

    At this point I would like to share my views on the Babri Masjid- Ram Janam Bhoomi dispute. Though I understand Muslims’ willingness to approach Supreme Court, but at the same time I would appreciate if both parties can reach to some acceptable formula for amicable solution through dialogue. Keeping the dialogue alive will definitely provide some positive opportunities to bring the two communities closer. Peaceful and cordial atmosphere will keep nation together.

    The opening and closing ceremonies of the Commonwealth Games have been unprecedented experience in my life. The way Chief Minister Shiela Dixit was applauded by the audience was clear indicator that the young generations have developed their attitude beyond party affiliations or communal bias. Since Shiela Dixit has emerged as a symbol of progress and prosperity, the whole audience welcomed her in exceptionally warm manner.

    I believe that the misunderstanding among communities and countries are generally developed because of alienation. The ground situation is changing quite fast. We are witnessing the willingness and desire among the younger generation to remove such misconceptions.

    India appreciated Pakistan’s support to help provide opportunity of hosting Commonwealth Games. Suresh kalmadi, the head of the Organizing Committee had unequivocally thanked for Pakistan support.

    The current youth synergy may be utilized as an opportunity for minimizing the differences among various communities. They can also play important role in bringing people from India and Pakistan closer. Artists from both sides may also play important role in bringing the two neighbors closer. The potential youth power should be used in bringing down the communal or religious barriers in the country and in the sub-continent at large.

    (The writer is President; India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi)