Home Muslim World News Relations with Obama ‘very good’: Karzai

Relations with Obama ‘very good’: Karzai


Washington : Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai says his relations with his US counterpart Barack Obama are “very good” and the two are in regular contact.

“The relation with the US government is generally good,” he said.

“There is a strategic relationship between us, partnerships toward an objective – that’s security for us and security for the US and the rest of the world,” Karzai told CNN’s “Larry King Live” programme.

On the staying power of the US in Afghanistan, Karzai said the Afghan people were abandoned earlier too when they had fought the Soviets.

“When we defeated communism and the Soviets, the international community supported us. But after their defeat we were abandoned and forgotten immediately, including by the US,” he said.

He said Afghans now fear the same thing could happen again, and he has not been able to reassure them.

“I hope the US and our other allies will help us through good means so we can reassure the Afghan people that this partnership is staying and that Afghanistan will emerge out of this current transition into a better country, a better economy and a more stronger, effective state,” Karzai said.