Home Indian Muslim Abdullah ‘happy’ to reward Raina with a plot

Abdullah ‘happy’ to reward Raina with a plot


Jammu : Indian cricketer Sueresh Raina, whose family originally hails from Srinagar’s Rainawari area, may get a residential plot in the Jammu and Kashmir capital if Chief Minister Omar Abdullah takes his Twitter message seriously.

Raina was part of Team India that won the Cricket World Cup in Mumbai Saturday.

A hint to this effect was given by Abdullah in his tweet, when it was brought to his notice that Raina, born in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghaziabad in 1986, was a Kashmiri Pandit much before they fled the Valley.

“Really,” Abdullah wondered over the tweet sent to him by another Kashmiri, Pandit Aditya Raj Kaul.

And then he went on to add: “I’d love to have him play for J&K. We need a mascot & the state would be happy to reward a plot in Srinagar also.”

The chief minister has sought other details about the player and his Kashmir connection. “Raina” is one of the major surnames among Kashmiri Pandits.