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Chennai celebrates Anna’s victory


Chennai : Around 200 people participated in a prayer meeting at the Thakkar Bapa Vidyalaya here and distributed sweets Saturday to celebrate the victorious end to activist Anna Hazare’s hunger strike in Delhi against corruption.

“We celebrated the victory and congratualated one another,” V. Ravichander, a senior official at a city based human resource development company, said.

“This is not the final victory. The flame against corruption has just been lit. The media played an important role in this episode. What is significant is that the youths have got involved in the cause,” he added.

Srinivasan Krishnaswamy, another participant at the event, told IANS: “Perhaps the government decided to accede to Hazare’s demand fearing negative impact on the electoral prospects in five states.”

He added that one should not blame only the politicians as there is always a black sheep in every profession – be it media, medicine, law or any other field.

Shanthi Rangaraj, a public sector employee, told IANS: “I have read about satyagraha in my school days. Now I was able to see a true satyagraha. I am really motivated.”

According to BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad, the government might have agreed to Hazare’s demand fearing its adverse impact on the electoral prospects in assembly elections.

Hazare ended his 97-hour long fast Saturday morning after the government conceded his demand to include civil society representatives in a committee to draft the Lokpal Bill.

The government agreed to form a 10-member drafting committee that will include five members from the civil society and five ministers.