New Delhi : The opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Thursday said that a hard-line approach was needed to fight terror.
Participating in the discussion on terrorism in the Rajya Sabha, Leader of Opposition in the house Arun Jaitley said the government should ensure there are no more attacks in the country.
“Take a hard-line on national security,” Jaitley said.
“Resilience is the spirit of Mumbai, but it cannot alone be the spirit of Mumbai. The real spirit has to influence all of us that we resolve no one dares to attack Mumbai, or for that matter any part of country ever again,” he said in a charged speech.
“But do we have the political will? Every time we have a policy, someone decides to pull it down,” he said.
Jailtey said that political division will not help in fighting terror, and terrorism should not be seen in context of any community.
“No aspersion should be cast on a community but on terrorism, we will have to take hard measures,” he added.
Jaitley also hit out at the government, saying that while it broke down Baba Ramdev’s camp in Ramlila Ground, separatists were allowed to hold a meeting in Lutyen’s Delhi.