Home India Politics Team Anna visits parties to garner support

Team Anna visits parties to garner support


New Delhi : Members of Team Anna have been meeting members of various political parties to garner support for the Jan Lokpal bill and expect the crisis to end Friday.

“Team Anna continues its communications with other political parties. Prashant Bhushan on his way to meet Mr Prakash Karat of CPI-M (Communist Party of India-Marxist),” former top cop and Team Anna member Kiran Bedi tweeted Friday.

The team met members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) like L.K. Advani and Arun Jaitley Thursday night. Arvind Kejriwal of Team Anna said that they “broadly agreed” to their version of the anti-graft bill.

The parliament is all set to discuss the Jan Lokpal bill Friday.

“The parliament will discuss the Jan Lokpal bill today…and we expect history to be created today. Aug 26 will go down the pages of history just like Aug 15 (Independence Day) and Jan 26 (Republic Day),” Bedi told the cheering crowd at Ramlila ground, hinting that the crisis may come to an end Friday.

The breakthrough came Thursday after Prime Minister Manmohan Singh made an emotive appeal to Hazare to end his hunger strike in view of his failing health but the 74-year-old activist declined unless parliament discussed three key issues.

These are bringing the lower bureaucracy under Lokpal, setting up Lokayuktas in the states and framing Citizen’s Charters for all government departments.

Hazare’s fast entered the 11th day Friday.