Home India Politics Arvind Kejriwal thanks PM, parliament

Arvind Kejriwal thanks PM, parliament


New Delhi : Ahead of Anna Hazare breaking his fast on the 13th day, Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal Sunday thanked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the parliament for the “grand victory of the people”.

“We are thankful to our prime minister because he took the initiative and wrote to Anna, agreeing to our demands. We are thankful to the parliament. This is a historic moment,” Kejriwal said, as thousands of people assembled at the Ramlila Maidan cheered.

He thanked political parties, politicians and said, “Most of all we want to thank you, the people who stood by us through sunshine and rain…without your support we wouldn’t have been successful”.

He had a special mention for the volunteers, who he termed the “backbone” of the movement.

He also thanked the media, the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), the Delhi Jal Board and the Delhi Police.