Home Indian Muslim Do not harass people from J&K: Center to states

Do not harass people from J&K: Center to states

By TCN News,

New Delhi: The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has issued an advisory to all States/UTs (except J&K) to exercise utmost sensitivity while making inquiries about residents of J&K living in different parts of the country. It has also asked the States to issue appropriate instructions to all police stations that they should not be singled out unnecessarily for police reporting merely on grounds of their being original Kashmiri residents.

The Central government has issued the instruction following the J&K people’s complaints to the visiting team of the government interlocutors that their sons and girls are being harassed in other parts of the country on just belonging to the state.

“A group of eminent persons appointed as interlocutors by the Government of India have been visiting the J&K State and they have received representations from the common man and various stakeholder groups that Kashmiri boys and girls are singled out by the police in the States outside J&K for asking them to report to the police stations merely on account of the fact that they are Kashmiri boys and girls. This kind of treatment affects the sensibility of the residents of J&K and experience a sense of humiliation leading to feeling of alienation/injustice,” the Home Ministry said in a statement today.

The Indian constitution and the law of the Land do not permit discrimination on account of race, religion, caste and creed, the statement added.