Home Muslim World News Twitter buzzes with news of Mubarak’s exit

Twitter buzzes with news of Mubarak’s exit


Cairo: “congrates egypt.you are now free!” Micro-blogging site Twitter was abuzz with congratulatory messages as Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak quit Friday night. Google executive Wael Ghonim, who became the face of the uprising at Tahrir Square, also tweeted his congratulations to the country’s youth.

Twitter had been an important tool for coordination among Egypt’s protesters demanding the exit of the long-serving Mubarak.

Apart from the breaking news posts of top media establishments, including Al Jazeera, Time, BBC and CNN, the micro-blogging site had posts from scores of jubilant Egyptians, other Arabs and people all over the world.

Ghonim, who became a hero of the unfolding revolution after he was arrested Jan 28 but released ten days later after an outcry, said in his tweet: “The real hero is the young Egyptians in Tahrir square and the rest of Egypt #Jan25”.

He added: “Wait for my book soon: Revolution 2.0”.

“congrates egypt.you are now free!!!” tweeted user zarofi14, while for Mohamed33, it was “#Egypt c’est la Revolution du lotus”.

“The Barcode of FREEDOM #E11022011 #Egypt #Jan25 #25Jan” wrote ashrafamr, and bahitha sghab said: “It’s not possible that something as good as this could be defeated” #egypt #victory #freedom @monaeltahawy”.

The latest development was beyond belief for some. User ircpresident (Mohamed ElGohary) wrote: “I can’t believe it. The military council dissolved the Parliament AND the government!”

A number of tweeters used the analogy of the progress bar that appears while uninstalling a programme from Windows. “Uninstalled dictator … 100% complete – installing new democracy” or “Uninstalling Mubarak …” they tweeted.

For some, it was a harbringer of greater changes in the region. ThamerSalman Thamer tweeted: “This revolution is not only an Egyptian or Arab inspiration. This is a global event that will inspire the world at large #Egypt #Jan25”.

“#Egypt s own Mubarak is Gone, #25Bahman will come and Irans Dictator Khameneiy will have to go to hell.USA dictatorship u need to go as well,” tweeted an Iranian.

The news drew congratulatory tweets from all over the world.

CarolineLucas said: “Great news that Mubarak has gone. Hope rest of regime swiftly join him, protestors are immediately released & real change follows”.

jonsnowC4 wrote: “Amazing..no anti-American or ant- Israeli, or pro-Islamic rhetoric this is proud Egypt standing where her ancient inheritance puts her: tall”

Humour was another reaction of twitterati all around the world. “just saw an ad “amazing deals on Egypt holidays!” posted BillBailey, and jazzchantoozie opined: “They should commemorate this historic day in Egypt by building some huge structures… You know, ones that will really last… *thinks*”.