Home Sports ICC decision to abolish runner disappointing: Gambhir

ICC decision to abolish runner disappointing: Gambhir


New Delhi : India’s opening batsman Gautam Gambhir said Thursday the International Cricket Council’s (ICC) decision to abolish runners is disappointing.

Gambhir said that batsman who are seriously injured would have a tough time without runners.

“I think it is disappointing,” Gambhir said Thursday when asked about the ICC decision.

“If a batsman is seriously injured in a close match, what will he do? He can’t keep batting without a runner. You can deny a runner for cramps, but for major onfield injuries a runner should be allowed,” Gambhir said on the sidelines of a promotional event.

Yuvraj Singh also recently had said the ICC decision to abolish runners was harsh as it would affect the batting side.

Though using a runner for an injured batsman has been part of the cricket practice for more than a century, the ICC felt the facility has been abused.

“There has been a strong feeling that runners were used not in the right spirit,” ICC CEO Haroon Lorgat said last week in Hong Kong after the Executive Board decided to do away with the runner.