By TCN News
New Delhi: The Welfare Party of India (WPI) in a statement expresses shock and grief over the bombblasts in Mumbai that killed 23 people and wounded many.
Dr. S. Q. R. Ilyas, General Secretary of the Party in a statement conveyed condolence to the relatives of the killed ones. He also congratulated the Mumbaikars for standing up to the need of the hour and in reaching out with all assistance and relief measures.
Welfare Party of India regretted that some parties used this occasions for playing dirty politics. Need of the hour is to stand united and bring out the real players behind this devilish act. A professional, non-partisan and pre-conception free enquiry is to be conducted. Failure on the part of the law-enforcement and intelligence agencies also needs to be probed. Any connection between the recent killing of the journalist J. Day and the events following the murder also should come under this enquiry. Pre conceived statements from some corners should not be allowed to the real and clear direction of an impartial enquiry.
WPI is a new political party launched in New Delhi in April 2011.