Home International Protesters shoot arrows at Ulan Bator’s Government House

Protesters shoot arrows at Ulan Bator’s Government House


Ulan Bator (Mongolia) : About 50 protesters on horseback encircled the Government House here Friday and shot arrows at it to protest the lack of a referendum on parliamentary elections.

Togtokhnyam, the legal advisor of Mongolia’s special security agency, said the “Government House is a special facility protected by law”.

The protestors were led by Munkhbayar Tsetsgee, an environmental activist and the head of “Fire Nation”, a coalition of environmental and political groups.

“We have waited for more than 60 days for an answer to our demand, which is to hold a nationwide referendum on conducting parliamentary elections without participation of political parties. Now we will take our next action,” Munkhbayar said.

About 200 impoverished herdsmen protested in April in the central square of Ulan Bator, demanding the government’s resignation and parliament’s dissolution over mining deals with foreign countries.

Protestors demanded snap elections but said they did not want political parties that have become pawns of foreigners to take part, according to Tsetsgee, who won the international environmental “Goldman Prize” in 2007.

Parliamentary officials said it is impossible to hold elections without the participation of political parties. Parliamentary elections are due in Mongolia in 2012.