Home Muslim World News Gaza stops Palestinians from approaching Israel border

Gaza stops Palestinians from approaching Israel border

By IANS/RIA Novosti,

Gaza/Tel Aviv: Police in Gaza had to set up checkpoints on the border with Israel Sunday to prevent Palestinian demonstrators marking the anniversary of the 1967 Six-Day War from clashing with the Israeli military, Palestinian media said.

Several hundred Palestinian demonstrators tried to break through toward the northern border between Gaza and Israel on the day marking the beginning of a third Arab-Israeli War. The march is now over and the demonstrators have all gone home.

The Palestinian Maan news agency said hundreds of Palestinians had tried to break into Jerusalem via the Qalandia checkpoint on the West Bank.

“The Israeli military had to fire several warning shots into the air and use tear gas grenades to dispel the demonstrators,” the press service of the Israeli army said.

Palestinian media said seven Palestinians had been wounded in the clashes near the Qalandia checkpoint. The Israeli military has not confirmed the reports.

The six-day war was fought June 5-10, 1967 between Israel and its Arab neighbours Jordan, Syria and Egypt.

The war resulted in Israel’s victory and brought the country control over Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. These territories have since remained the source of tension in the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict.