New Delhi : Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Omar Abdullah Tuesday took a dig at Sushma Swaraj who danced with her party colleagues at Raj Ghat. He tweeted that his father was a better dancer than her.
“Having now seen the videos of (Sushma Swaraj) dancing, I have no doubt at all that my dad is a better dancer than Sushma Swaraj. Glad dance now acceptable protest,” Omar tweeted at 3:25 p.m Tuesday.
Three-time Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Farooq Abdullah was recently seen dancing on a Kashmiri folk song in a one minute video. The video was a hit as it garnered many viewers on social networking site Facebook.
Swaraj, Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha, danced with her Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers at the 24-hour-long protest at the Raj Ghat Sunday. This sparked a controversy as Congress accused her of hurting the sanctity of the place.
Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari commented: “At the samadhi of the Father of the Nation, if you are going to dance, what kind of sanctity of the place are you maintaining?”
In response, Swaraj tweeted: “This was around 2 in the (Sunday) morning. I stepped in for a brief moment to boost the morale of our party workers.”